The Game Has Changed- VSL’s

by | Mar 22, 2023 | Featured Content, Insights, Direct to Consumer

The Game Has Changed- VSL’s

Are you looking to test your product in a new market but don’t want to invest in a larger television campaign right away? Or are you relaunching a product and want to make sure your messaging hits the mark? Look no further than the video sales letter (VSL).

A VSL is a video that acts as a sales letter. It’s designed to walk the viewer through the benefits of a product or service and encourage them to make a purchase. But VSLs can do more than just sell. They can also be a powerful tool for testing media and sales messaging.

In this video, we explore two case studies of direct-to-consumer campaigns that used a VSL to test a market more efficiently. The first case study is for “InMit,” an intermittent fasting supplement. The second is for “Banjow Minnow,” a legacy fishing lure brand being relaunched.

By using a VSL to test their messaging, both InMit and Banjow Minnow were able to collect first-tier data on their audience’s response. This data allowed them to refine their messaging and optimize their media spend before launching a larger campaign.

Overall, the VSL proved to be a powerful tool for both InMit and Banjow Minnow in testing their markets and optimizing their messaging. By collecting first-tier data, they were able to refine their approach and make the most of their media spend. Consider using a VSL for your next campaign and see the results for yourself.

InMit Fasting VSL

Banjo Minnow VSL




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