
  • Client: Skis Dynastar, Inc.
  • Product: Dynastar Skis, Lange Boots, Look Bindings
  • Objectives: The macro objective of The New Shape of Skiing infomercial was to present the full line of Skis Dynastar products, which includes Dynastar skis Lange boots and Look bindings. The specific objectives were to generate leads cost effectively, to drive consumers to their website, and to drive retail sales.

The New Shape of Skiing infomercial demonstrated the new technology that the ski industry, and Skis Dynastar in particular, had innovated in recent years. It required filming in multiple locations at various ski resorts, as well as in a studio. Of the various production techniques employed, clearly the animation was the most important for this project. Script to Screen created three-dimensional graphics and animation to demonstrate the unique features and benefits of these sophisticated products.

To communicate the credibility of the products, Script to Screen used well-respected ski pro’s. Fortunately, Skis Dynastar made skiers, Alberto Tomba, Picabo Street and Tommy Moe available to us.

The results of The New Shape of Skiing infomercial measured three ways: Firstly, the infomercial greatly surpassed its cost per inquiry (CPI) objectives, delivering CPI’s in the $2 range. Secondly, it drove skiers to the website, and positioned the website as a porthole to the ski industry. Thirdly, due to lack of snow in the 1999—2000 winter, sales in the ski industry as a whole were down, however, because of The New Shape of Skiing infomercial, Skis Dynastar’s retail sales increased by 30%. The Infomercial was also honored with several industry awards.

  • Increased sales by thirty percent
  • Winner 2000 ERA Awards Best Corporate Infomercial
  • Winner 2000 Joey Awards Best Infomercial
  • Winner 2000 New York Festivals Bronze WorldMedal