Winning In The Cash Flow Business


  • Client: Dalbey Education
  • Product: Winning In The Cash Flow Business
  • Objectives: To introduce the Winning In The Cash Flow Business Program to the public through direct response television, and to generate profitable front-end sales.

Founded in 1995 by Russ Dalbey, The Dalbey Education Institute educates individuals on how to become successful working in the Cash Flow Business.

In 2004, they hired Script to Screen to produce an infomercial to help promote their Cash Flow Education Program through direct response television.

The Winning in the Cash Flow Business infomercial featured interviews with Russ Dalbey and former students, who talked about their experiences and tremendous success using the program. It exceeded the benchmarks of all previous infomercials, and its success lead to the dramatic growth and profitability of the company.

Two more were produced by Script to Screen, continuing the success established by the first show.

This DRTV campaign consistently ranked in the Top 10 of the Jordan Whitney Report, and reached as high as No. 3 on the Infomercial Monitoring Services Report, putting it amongst the most successful “Business Opportunity” DRTV campaigns.

  • Consistently ranked in the IMS and Jordan Whitney Top 10.

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